Am 7. März 2017 nahm die 4B an einer interaktiven Führung durch das Vienna International Center zum Thema Nachhaltige Entwicklung teil. Ihre Eindrücke fassten die Schülerinnen und Schüler in einem Bericht auf Englisch zusammen:
On our trip to the United Nations we first had to go through a security check. We were told that we were leaving Austria and entering an international territory.
Two women showed us around and explained everything. We learned that there are 193 countries in the organization, which is represented by their flags on the plaza in front of the buildings. However there are only 6 official languages. We played a game where we had to tie and untie our hands to show us that it only works with communication, just like the United Nations! People from all over the world help each other and are there for each other.
The main topic was sustainable development. All the UN want to achieve 17 sustainability goals to improve the world. One for example is to have zero hunger on earth by 2030. To make that happen there is a peanut-based paste. If undernourished people eat it every day, they can get up to a normal weight in less than a month.
The meeting rooms were pretty impressive because they were so big and the translator rooms so little. We wish we had learned more about the job as a translator, but at least we got an impression of their work.
The movie we watched in the end was cool. Its message was: “Take care of the planet”. All in all the trip was really cool, but they could have given us some more information about the jobs you can do at the UN. We think that we can all change the world and make it a better place if we all support these 17 UN goals.